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Chakra Floral Sage Wands


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7 Chakra Floral Sage Wand / Mullein Flower and White Sage Wand

  • White Sage wand hand tied with 100% cotton string
  • Mullein Flowers

Mullein: Symbolizes courage, protection, health, hope and love.

White Sage: Smoke cleansing using white sage is believed to enhance meditation and rituals by purifying oneself and the surroundings of negative energy. This practice is said to alleviate worries, open the mind, and dispel negative thoughts.

*This white sage is sustainably harvested in its native region of California.

Root Chakra - Red

Sacral Chakra - Orange

Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow

Heart Chakra - Green

Throat Chakra - Turquoise

Third Eye Chakra - Indigo

Crown Chakra - Violet